All UCLA undergraduate programs in the college and in the professional schools are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. A full accreditation list of undergraduate and graduate programs is found on our Academic Planning and Budget site.

  • The undergraduate B.A. in Architectural Studies is not accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). This is intentional, as we do not have a B.Arch. degree that leads to licensure. Our undergraduate curriculum is designed to accommodate a wide variety of entry points to interest in architecture, and prepare students to go on to accredited master’s degree programs to obtain licensure.

    Our M.Arch degree is accredited by NAAB.

  • For our undergraduate programs in particular—Architectural Studies, Art, Dance, Design|Media Arts, and World Arts and Cultures—all of the curriculum is deeply interdisciplinary out of respect to the fact that we are housed at a research institution. The way we design our curriculum, especially since we have B.A. programs and not B.F.A. programs, makes it so that we don’t quite match up with the guidelines of accrediting bodies like NASAD (National Association of Schools of Art and Design), NASD (National Association of Schools of Dance), and NAAB (National Architectural Accrediting Board).

    Our majors are all accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, which is a highly rigorous review process and oversees educational quality at UCLA. That process ensures we are offering a high quality education to students, and also affords us the flexibility we need in order to express our collective educational, artistic, and cultural values within the context of our larger university.